Use The App Challenge
Price: WhyFit Pro
Have your employees familiarize themselves with our application by attempting our 'Use the App Challenge'. The icon for this challenge can be found on the home screen, simply have your employees click on it to access the contents of this challenge. The first thing this challenge will make your employees do is read an article regarding mental health habits followed directly after by a short quiz. Next, they will be reminded to relax for 10 minutes - part of our notification services. After three 10 minute sessions of relaxation, your employees will read another article, this time on daily nutrition, again followed by a short quiz. Following the quiz, they will be reminded through notifications to eat breakfast, drink eight glasses of water, and have two servings of fruit. They will also be presented with healthy dinner alternatives. After receiving these notifications, your employees will have another article to read concerning the importance of physical activity in their daily lives followed by another short quiz. They will then be reminded to stretch at their desks through another notification. The last part of this challenge provides them with an anywhere, anytime full body workout designed to last thirty minutes. Upon completion of this challenge, your employees should feel pretty comfortable while navigating our app in the future!