Coronavirus - Prevention
Price: Free
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a widespread outbreak across multiple countries, but most who are infected by the virus only experience mild illness and recover! Help your employees prevent your workplace from exposure to respiratory illnesses with some quick and easy strategies.
Actively encourage your employees to:
Read more about recommended strategies for employers at cdc.gov
Items to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Actively encourage your employees to:
- Stay home when sick (reassure them that their sick leave policies are flexible)
- No handshaking (try to encourage elbow bumps)
- Use disinfectant wipes to clean desk areas (have your employees wipe down their desk before they leave for home everyday)
- Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds (its important to keep up with hygiene)
- Use 60% alcohol based hand sanitizer (provide your work place with hand sanitizer bottles to engage your employees in sanitizing for and from any activities involved with people
- Provide disposable tissues for employees to use for coughing and sneezing
Read more about recommended strategies for employers at cdc.gov
Items to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Antibacterial Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Antibacterial Hand Wipes
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Disinfecting Spray
- Tissues
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