Weight Loss Challenge
Price: WhyFit Pro
Sometimes people just need a jump start into a healthy habit or routine. Use this challenge to encourage employees in some friendly competition and getting involved with a weight loss challenge. WhyFit offers your employees nutritional, physical, and mental exercises to achieve successful weight loss, resulting from healthier eating habits and exercise routines, and not adopting a deprivation mindset. Encourage them to set creative exercise activities or switch up a daily routine with the app to achieve their goals and input progress on a weekly basis. You will soon realize that people sharing this experience will make it easier to not encourage unhealthy behaviors and routines, and achieve their end result.
Lose it to Win it!
Benefits of Weight Loss Challenge:
- Improve overall physical, emotional, and mental wellness
- Improve company culture
- Promote employee interaction
- Keep employees motivated
- Encourage weight maintenance
How it works:
- Schedule Weight Loss Challenge
- Select and schedule your preferred challenge start date.
- (Optional): Schedule Employee Lunch
- Offer lunch to all employees to discuss details pertaining to the challenge. Take this time to express the importance of losing weight safely and the benefits of completing this challenge.
- Employee Registration
- Employees will have access to register for the company challenge up to 1 week before the challenge start date.
- Engaging Employees
- WhyFit will automatically send out emails before, during, and after registration to encourage participation, and will continue to be sent throughout the duration of the challenge to optimize employee involvement! Think about sending a personalized email to employees about the challenge to show them your support!
- Scoring and End of Challenge
- Employees will be scored based on their engagement - updating their weight weekly by inputting into the app. The closer the employee is to complete the challenge requirement of weekly weight loss, the higher the score will be. To encourage healthy competition an active scoreboard will be accessible to all employees as long as the challenge is live. After the challenge is completed a competition summary will be viewable to employees.
- (Optional): Wrap up/celebratory lunch
- Offer a celebratory lunch (healthy) to reward employee participation and encourage further engagement in future challenges.